The Fitzroy Diaries is an audio fiction podcast originally aired on ABC RN’s life Matters in Australia. Observational, funny, sometimes a little bit sad, series one of The Fitzroy Diaries stars the unofficial mayor of Fitzroy, Uncle Jack Charles alongside Caroline Craig, Nyawuda Chuol, Joel Davey, Stewart Farrell, Alexandra Hines, Luke Ryan and Stewart Thorn. Written and narrated by Lorin Clarke. Script edited and produced by Sophie Townsend. Recorded by Richard Girvan. Sound design by Mark Don. Illustrations for the series by Sonia Kretschmar. Thanks for listening.
Series II of The Fitzroy Diaries is currently in production and due to be released on ABC radio and in podcast form in, we hope, August 2019.
A book version of The Fitzroy Diaries is being written for Pan Macmillan.

Source: Facebook

Episodes featuring Pamela Rabe:

S2 E2 | Who even is Ed Sheeran?

It’s one of those days where the fun slips out of everything, until the woman they call ‘bird lady’ finally emerges from the abandoned house down the street.

S2 E3 | Brother emergency

In which we meet Ruth Bader Ginsburg and walk to the post office.

S2 E4 | Everything stops

There are lots of cars in the street today. One is a white van. The other two are ambulances.

S2 E5 | A Moment of Trauma

Fitzroy seems different today, but the roadworks stop for nobody, and neither do the conversations.


Starring: Pamela Rabe, Caroline Craig, Lawrence Leung, Joel Davey, Jing-Xuan Chang, Luke Ryan, Alex Hines, Sammy J, Julia Harari, Thomas Caldwell, Stewart Farrell, Bethany MacDonald, Stewart Thorn, Michael Roper, Matt Willis and Claudia & Charlie Clarke-Thorn.

Writer and narrator: Lorin Clarke

Sound recordings: Tim Symonds, Tim Jenkins, Brendan O’Neill and Richard Girvan

Sound design: Mark Don

Production: Jess O’Callaghan

Script editor and producer: Sophie Townsend

→ You can listen to all episodes here

Photos by fitzroydiariesbook