Pamela Rabe in 'Cho Cho San'
by Daniel Keene
Directed by Geoff Hooke Designed by Wendy Black and Geoff Hooke
Belvoir St. Theatre
Butterfly ’80’s Style
CHO CHO SAN is a contemporary musical of great power and beauty which is based on the John Luther Long book, “Madame Butterfly”, from which Puccini was inspired to write his celebrated opera. A modern Australian interpretation is superimposed onto Puccini’s timeless story of the love of the geisha girl for Lt. Pinkerton to create a piece of Australian music theatre which will appeal to teenagers and adults alike. The production combines actors, life-size puppets, visible puppeteers, mime, sophisticated computer sound technology, with a score blending rock `n’ roll with Brecht-Weill cabaret-style, soulful blues and modern jazz. The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust and Company B will present this exciting and energetic musical at the Belvoir Street Theatre from April 23. The production is currently being staged in Melbourne by Playbox Theatre Com-pany and Zoo Productions and is receiving rave reviews.
Thu Apr 23 to Sun May 31 Tue to Sat at 8.15 p.m. Sat and Sun at 5 p.m. AETT $14.00 G.P. $16.00 Stud/Pens $8.00
Two AETT tickets per member
Source: https://www.thetrust.org.au