Pamela Rabe in Much Ado About Nothing

Photos by Robert McFarlane

Venue Playhouse, Melbourne, VIC
First Date 29 July 1993
Opening Date July 1993
Last Date 4 September 1993
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Description Romantic comedy. Hero and Claudio are much in love but are torn apart by deception; Beatrice and Benedick scorn love but are drawn together.
Description Source Other
Primary Genre Theatre – Spoken Word
Name Function Notes
James Beaumont Actor
Michael Burkett Actor
Robin Cuming Actor
John Dicks Actor
Paul English Actor
Kim Gyngell Actor
Gerald Lepkowski Actor
Paul Lum Actor
Frances O’Connor Actor
Pamela Rabe Actor
Greg Saunders Actor
Helen Thomson Actor
Michael Veitch Actor
Hugo Weaving Actor
Alison Whyte Actor
Louise McRoberts Assistant Stage Manager
Beth Shelton Choreographer
Tassos Ioannides Composer
Tony Tripp Designer
Roger Hodgman Director
Jamieson Lewis Lighting Designer
William Shakespeare Playwright
Ian Cookesley Production Manager
Kerry Saxby Sound Designer
Greg Diamantis Stage Manager
