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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof | Opening Night

Daniel Boud took some great photos from the Cat on a Hot Tin Roof opening night last Friday. Seems like Pam got some extra padding πŸ˜‰

Pamela Rabe in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof | Photo by Daniel Boud / STC

Here are some more photos of the production:

Photos by lyridsmc and Daniel Boud

An incomparable cast gather for this boozy, sultry furore of Southern fireworks. Hugo Weaving will be at his magnetic best as the commanding patriarch. The transcendent Pamela Rabe returns as Big Mama following her Helpmann Award-winning performance in The Children. Harry Greenwood (Cloud Nine) brings fresh brilliance to the stratified role of Brick and Zahra Newman (The Book of Mormon) will give us an unmissable Maggie the Cat. -STC | Get your tickets here!

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