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Freaking Out Over Evil Role

The reinvention of a classic Aussie TV drama has given respected actor Pamela Rabe a chance to show her strengths

Actor Pamela Rabe, right, says she “burst out laughing° when the phone call came through to see if she would accept the role as Joan “The Freak” Ferguson on the hit Foxtel series Wentworth.

“I think because of my physical stature, I am often cast as strong women, which sadly often relates to evil women. In away I’m used to being approached to playing these kind of nasty villains,” says Pamela, who has actually starred opposite Prisoner’s original “Joan”, Maggie Kirkpatrick, inset picture, and counts her as a good friend.

“The whole thing had a wonderful sense of symmetry about it,” Pamela says.

Pamela Rabe | Freaking out over evil role

But despite being close to Maggie, Pamela says the two versions of the “Freak” character are worlds apart. “I’m not a student of the original Prisoner, so I will leave it to the audience to compare the two, but I can say that always when you have different actors interpreting roles there will be certain characteristics that each person will bring,” Pamela says.

“What’s wonderful about Wentworth, as it was for Prisoner, is when you create a series set in an environment like this with a predominantly female cast it means that you are dipping into a very strong vein of talent. They’ve pulled in actors from all mediums and they’re all brave, strong performers.”

Pamela, who has worked with the State Theatre Company of SA, says we might even see her back in Adelaide soon. “I’ve been in conversations with Geordie and Rob Brookman (from STC) looking for opportunities to collaborate again,” she says.

Wentworth premieres on Foxtel on May 20.

Source: Sunday Mail | 18 May 2014


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